Enable ezEvade* - Master Toggle For Evade
Dodge Skill shots Toggle
Change Toggle Key bind
Dodge Only Dangerous* Spells - Will only dodge lethal spells or hard cc spells like roots and binds
Dodge FOW Skill shots* - Will attempt to dodge spells that have been cast from Fog Of War including global skill shots for example Ezreal R / Ult
Dodge Circular Skill shots* - For example Lux E
{List of Enemy Spells* - Here you will see all champions in the game with dodgeable skills shots here you can modify the behaviour to dodge a specific spell with a filter such as
Dodge Spell
Draw Spell
Force Fast Evade
Reaction time - For legit use, you can add an MS delay before it will attempt to dodge the spell
Spell Radius - For more legit you can make it so you will move further away from the spell when dodging it
Dodge Only below HP% - For more Legit use can set it to only dodge the specific spell when below a certain % max hp
Danger level - you can assign a spell to have a higher priority to dodge via danger level}
Use Spells to Dodge*
Use evade Spells - Master Toggle
User Evade Spells Key bind - you can set a custom key for the master toggle
Settings - Here you will find your champion-specific spell which you can use also to evade spells other than just normal movement for example flash and you can adjust the resistance to use the spell, for example, flash is auto-set to extreme and undodgeable for spells like Anne R with her passive which will evade the stun for something like ammo R it will flash out of the way to prevent the stun if possible
Key Binds
Enable dodge only dangerous keys - Master toggle if you would only like to dodge dangerous spells
Dodge Only Dangerous Key 1/2 - custom hotkeys to toggle dodge only dangerously
Enable Dodge only on combo key - Master toggle if you only wish to evade when you are using the combo function of orb walk and the champion script
Dodge only combo Key - Custom hotkey to toggle for Evade only when in combo
Enable don't doge key - Master toggle if you want to have the key bind enabled to disable evade / panic key
Dont dodge key - Custom hotkey to toggle if you want to disable evade
Misc Settings
Enhanced Dodge Precision - A toggle to make evade more precise with the way it attempts to dodge and less random
Recalculate Path - It will run calculations to not only just find the most direct way to dodge a spell
Continue Last Movement - if you have attempted to move to a specific location and evade has changed your path it will resume movement after it has attempted to evade the spell
Calculate Windup Delay - For more legit use you can add a custom delay for all evade spells
Check spell collision - will check to see if there are overlapping spells and will attempt to take the smaller risk if not dodge able
Prevent dodging under the tower - Toggle to disable evade under enemy and friendly turrets
Prevent dodging near enemies - toggle to disable evade when you are close to an enemy for more legit use
Advanced spell detection - for use on special spells such Zed w,q combo or Azir w,q combo where a skill shot is not cast from the enemy cast but a clone\soldier for example
Click only once - you can remove a spell to evade, primarily for particular spells like lux e when you click on the spell/circle in the game it will disable evade for that specific spell cast at that time
Extended Evade - will add an extra distance buffer to prevent you from walking back into the spell or looking more legit
Tick limiter - Adjust the refresh rate that evades will work - The more ticks the more checks it completes
Spell detection time - how many MS delays to set before it attempts to dodge all spells
Dodge interval - set a time in MS before it will attempt to do another spell
Fast Evade
Fast movement block - Master toggle
Fast evade activation time - time in MS to wait before it will attempt to use fast evade
Spell Activation Time - For spells such as Lissandra r to protect yourself from a dangerous spell
Collision distance buffer - to add extra distance between you and evaded spells
Extra Buffers
Extra Ping Buffer - Add extra MS delay for evade as a whole
Extra Collision Distance - Add extra collision distance for all spells when attempting to dodge
Extra Spell Radius - Add different spell Radius for circular spells or width for skills shots
Extra Evade Distance - Will add additional distance/units from a skill shot that you are attempting to evade
Extra avoid distance - useful for preventing yourself from walking back into spells
Min distance to champion - For more legit use in units will prevent you from dodging if enemies are with x number of units, 0 to disable so it will always dodge regardless of enemy distance
Evade mode
A few presets change that will change all your evade settings or use one of our configs in the config files channel
Reset evade
Reset all evade setting to default evade settings
Draw skills shots
Draw Evade status - if it's on or off
Draw spell position - showing you where the spell is going to be for a skill shot
Draw spell position - showing you which path evade is attempted to use to dodge the skill shot
Danger level Drawings - You can adjust the colour and the line width for spells based on their danger level
Prediction Type (its personal preference if the one you are using is not performing try a different type)
Standard prediction - is based on the old Bot Of Legends prediction
SPrediction - is based on the old League# prediction
TPlus Prediction - Is our in-house prediction
Analysis Hit Chance
Analysis Hit Chance - Master toggle
Check Hit Chance with Enemy AA - Toggle to see if run a prediction check to see if a will hit the target
Can allocate extra time in MS
Check Hit Chance with enemy QWER - Toggle to see allow prediction more time to check hit change of QWER abilities
Can allocate extra time in MS
Max range % - Can modify your champions range from the default 100% to greater or lower than what the champions default is used for
Prediciton delay MS - allocate more time for the delay to be more accurate with abilities or lower to cast more frequently with a lower hit chance
Extra radius Collision check - used to make your circular abilities more random instead of directly on top of the enemy champions
Orb walker
Auto Attack range - Draw a circle around your champion to see your default auto-attack range
Enemy's Auto attack range - Draw A circle around enemy champions to see what their auto attack range is
Last Hit Helper - Draws a bar over the minion's Hp bar to show when to auto-attack to get the kill
No last hit - turn on to prevent the last hitting primarily used for land clearing
Prioritize farm - will focus on the killable farm over harassing or attacking enemy champions
Jungle Clear small first - will attack small jungle mobs 1st before the larger mobs are camps such as wolves, raptors and krugs
Auto attack Ward/traps - will target default wards, pink wards and traps suck and Nidalee traps or Teemo mushrooms
Auto attack gangplank barrel - Will target Gangplank barrels if possible, in a range
Focus Minions over objects - leave on to focus minions instead of targeting traps, wards or barrels
Extra windup time - Used for specific champions that take longer to aa leave at 0 unless your auto attacks are being cancelled
Attack before can attack MS - for orb walking to auto attack a unit early go as low as possible increase if you are cancelling auto attacks
Farm Delay - Delay to send the request to the game based on what your rough ping is ideally match your ping to prevent disconnection if you are disconnecting increase your delay
Time to wait to kill minion - MS to adjust when to auto-attack a last hit. Increase if attacking too early. Decrease if you are attacking too late
Target Selector +
Only attack the selected target - you can use this feature if you are clicking on an enemy as it will draw a small red circle around them to show they are the priority target
Choose Target - you can manually select the target without clicking on them
No auto attack invulnerable target - if enabled will not target people in Kayle ult or Tryndamere ult for example
Mode selector presets - useful for specific champions that get resets on kill I would recommend the lowest hp in that instance for people like Katarina
Disable Msg Chat - will remove Welcome to Riot which appears in the chat at the start of the game from our client
Move Follow Cursor - will follow your cursor when using the orb walker
No auto-attack when combo, Harass or lane clear - will not use auto-attack for caster champions like Cassiopeia whose abilities deal all the damage and will use abilities off cooldown and not auto attack
Anti afk - will move your champion around preventing you from being kicked due to afk
Zoom hack - Enable and increase the slider to increase your game Fov press the spacebar for it to apply
Mod skin - Skin changer for champion change from number 1 - 50 to cycle through all champion skins and chroma effects
Disable all - Press f5 to disable all drawings that the cheat does to hide the cheat from streaming / recording software
Sight ward / trap tracker - Show sight ward location if you were able to see it being placed and will also draw trap location if you say them being placed
Control Ward - Blue FarSight tracker - will draw ping and blue wards placed around the map
Gank tracker - will draw a circle on the map showing champions' last known location and based on their movement speed predict how far they could have travelled in that time, can draw a line to allies to see how many units they are away
Enemy move point tracker - able to see when the enemy is currently moving to
Enemy turret range - draw a circle to see turret attack rank in pvp games
Ally draw range - show ally turrets' attack range
Recall tracker - able to see when enemy champions are recalling also works in FOW
Enemy QWER cooldown tracker - able to see small bars above enemy hp bar to see when they have their cooldowns up for abilities
Enemy D F Cooldown tracker - Able to see the cooldowns for the enemy on the right-hand side of your screen which will also display, current hp, mana, ult status and summoner spells
Jungle time trackers - drawn count-down clock on the mini-map to see when jungle camps respawn
Draw clone heroes - drawn clones for enemy heroes for example Shaco's clone
Draw mini-map tracker - will draw a circle on the map showing champions' last known location and based on their movement speed predict how far they could have travelled in that time, can draw a line to allies to see how many units they are away
My Hero - Draw QWER Ranges
Enemies' hero - Draw enemy QWER ranges
Stop activator - Master Toggle
Auto Ward - Will auto place wards if you lose visual on the enemy while in combo mode
Auto Summoner heal - will auto use summoner heal when at a certain % map hp when being attacked by an enemy
Ayti Potion / Biscuit - Will auto use a health potion/biscuit below a caring % max hp and being attacked
Auto barrier - will auto use battier below a cerin % max hp
Auto Solair - Will auto-use solar below a cerin % max hp
Auto Zhonya's - will use zhonyas when below a certain % mah hp or min hp points
Auto Redemption - Will auto-use redemption when you are below a specific max hp %
Auto ignite - will use ignite on an enemy if prediction to do 100 current hp damage or you can increase it
auto exhaust - will auto-use exhaust when in combo mode
Auto Cleanse/ Mikael - will auto-use cleanse or Mikael to remove qq. you can adjust the delay or the condition of the type of cc to use for
Auto strikebreaker - will auto-use strikebreaker when a caring % max hp
Auto Goredrinker - Will auto use gordrinker when x number of enemies are in range or win below a certain % max hp
Auto health items - will use recheck items to deal damage as part of the combo
Auto Everfrost - Will auto-use ever frost as part of your combo
Auto Galeforce - will auto use galeforce when x number of enemies are around or when below a caring % max hp and move to a safer location
Auto Prowler claw - Will auto use prowler claw when below a caring % max hp or when x number of enemies are around
Auto Randuin - will use Randuin when x number of enemies are around
Delay settings
Delay AA - Go as low as possible without causing disconnection all delay values can be overridden in the config file itself but I recommend matching your current stable ping to prevent disconnections there are also options to randomize auto-attack and movement
Delay Moving - delay the time it takes to send a request to the server to move your champion
Delay Cast q,w,e,r - Adjust your delays on how much time it takes before you send these requests to the server
Language - Able to adjust to your desired language
Colour settings - you can slightly customize the colours of your menu
Base Ult
Auto Baseult - will attempt to use your global ult kill then the enemy when they arrive back in spawn from recalling while they are still low hp
Baseult off when using key - able to disable base ult while in combo for example that way you can focus on the current fight
Auto Smite
Enable Auto to smite - Master toggle
Smite key - key bind to toggle on and off smite
Auto smite KS - will use smite in an enemy to kill or steal from an ally if they are low enough
Auto smite in combo - Able to incorporate smite into your damage rotation with QWER and can set for a specific amount of your combo and smite will deal x amount of damage
Mob filters - able to adjust what camps auto smite is used on