Prediction Type, Standard Prediction, TPlus Prediction, Analysis Hit Chance, Prediction delay, Radius Collision check, and more...
Sight word, trap tracker, Blue FarSight tracker, Red FarSight tracker, Recall tracker, Jungle time tracker, and more...
ezEvade, Only Dangerous, Dodge Circular Skill shots, Dodge FOW Skill shots, reaction timings, and more...
Hundreds of features, guaranteed to work with any playing style.
Robust visual features with various draw options, danger level drawings, spell positions and evade positions.
ToirPlus improves your movement with features such as auto evade, dodge only dangerous, reaction timings, spell radius, and path recalculation.
Are you tired of pressing F to flash? We have multiple activators to make your experience smoother, such as AutoFlash, AutoIgnite, Galeforce Activator, and more!
ToirPlus features many worlds cheats like gank trackers, last enemy position, recall trackers, spell trackers so you can know if they have spells!
Are spells not landing? Lower your timings and fine-tune your delays to make the script perform how you want, also, if you don't like how the menu looks, just change the color!
ToirPlus features so much more, including a gameplay Humanizer, which will lower your chances of looking like a robot, with protections such as spell detection time, dodge interval, and click only once
These are photos of ToirPlus in action. You can see the menu and features in the game.
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